Armed with a philosophy that says, ‘music is life and is not to be taken lightly’, entertainer Black Ice is a brilliant singer among Jamaica’s many musical new generation soldiers, one of those who believe music can make positive change as the art form can transcend the human experience.
During his early years, he said that music was always an integral part of his upbringing. He has always loved listening to all genres of music but said that he was most influenced by the musical legends Bob Marley, Dennis Brown, Peter Tosh, and Marvin Gaye.
He describes his music as being positive, uplifting, inspiring yet edgy, and real. Black Ice believes his inspiration comes from a higher calling.
Currently, he’s promoting his latest single, “Red A Red.” Released late April 2018, the track, he said, implores its listeners to be conscious of their surroundings and the world they live in.
“It’s a song about the road I walked and encountering what the system has to offer. It urges mankind to keep their eyes wide open, to see behind the illusions and unveil the truth”; Black Ice believes this single will not only educate and inspire but earn him a new set of fans worldwide. It’s available on the radio soon to be digitally released to iTunes, Spotify, and CDBaby. He will have a cd distribution as well.
It is the title song of his new 4-song EP entitled “Red-a-Red, “which is being distributed in Jamaica. It will include his other hits “Hotta Fyah,”
“We’re Lovers” is the songstress soulful duet with the Jamaican recording artist Sophia Brown.
Black Ice’s partnership with Kendall Curlett, “I’ll be Home for the Holidays,” is simply a classic Reggae Christmas song https://youtu.be/aW92pIB-x_0and will continue to be released annually. He is currently writing new songs and working on the video for the songs, “Shotokan Warrior” and “Crossfire”.
IG https://www.instagram.com/blackicemusic/
Yard Groove Records
Gary Palmer
PO BOX 20446
Long Beach, CA 90801
Email address: blk10ice@gmail.com Phone number: 562-472-6012
Website: https://www.blackicereggae.com/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/blk10ice