“Gege Vibes Streaming show” is the new Gege Vibes Magazine‘s format available on Youtube. The purpose is to keep our press contents up during those hard time of Covid-19. Normally, we travel to realize video interviews with Artists after their shows, in Festivals, in studios or during their tours. Right now social distancing and quarantine not allow us to continue to work in this way, that’s why we have decided to introduce the “video calls interviews”. We believe that in this difficult period is very important to keep the positive vibes alive with home entertainment, good music, and information.
The second chapter of “Gege Vibes Streaming Show” is fully dedicated to the cannabis world as long as it was recorded on 4/20/2020. We released some brand new interviews featuring recording Artists Julian Marley, Bamm Holt and Gmac.

Julian Marley talked about his last album “As I am”, the power of herb in those times of captivity for the humanity who is forced in quarantine because of the unnatural corona virus and many more. Bamm Holt, who is John Holt‘s grandson, originally from Jamaica but living in USA, told us about his love for reggae and hip-hop. He got skills in both of the musical genres. He also announced that soon will be out his tribute to John Holt called “1000 volts of Holt” together with his father Junior Holt. And on top of that, he is working to release his first solo album as well. Gmac, real name Garfield Mclean, answered our call from his city Kingston and explained us how we have to handle this quarantine as an opportunity to reflect on ourselves and connect with the divine spirit. Basically he suggested us to invest this free time in the best way possible. He also talked about his upcoming album “The legend” produced by the Italian label Morelove Music. In the episode we got some extra special credits. We featured as song premiere of this month “Weed Plan” singed by the historical jamaican artist Mykal Rose, produced by Young Pow Productions and distributed by Ghetto Youths Intl.
Ultimately, we gave a space for the dancers featuring the Italian DHQ from Salento Aurora Rah, who showed us two personal choreographies dancing on Masicka music.

Songs credits (promotional use)
- Weed plan – Mykal Rose (Young Pow Prod.)
- Energy – Masicka (Genahsyde Prod.)
- Ice cream truck – Masicka (1Syde / Mozeeko Records)
- Love your life – Gmac (Social Club Riddim – Morelove Music)
- Crime – Gmac (StartMeUp Riddim – Morelove Music
- Video Directed by Drummstudio
Article and interviews by Eugenia Conti